Mum & Baby Pigeon feeding
Mum & Baby Pigeon feeding
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Pigeons were originally bred for food and carrying messages. You can find them anywhere from urban to woodland, and coast areas. Pigeons are able to breed all year round due to their constant availability of food in urban areas. A Pigeon tends to lay two eggs within, up to, 48 hours.
I'll never forget an advert that stated the Father & Son had never seen a baby pigeon before. I spent months looking in trees and street lights for any signs of newborns. I started to notice different behaviour. becoming in tune with them when they were nesting and where the nesting worked best. Eventually I found the perfect spot and watched every day, until one day I looked and I felt lots of hope, I saw something moving slightly. I zoomed in with my camera and, yes, some more waiting but then a little head popped up over the nest only slightly. I was so excited, all the patience and waiting had paid off, that's what wildlife photography is about, waiting patiently, investigating and in the end positive outcomes. The feeding times took some doing due to the foilege around them but I can say I know what a baby pigeon looks like. I followed them until they first ventured out of the nest and then left for good. I felt quite sad but so happy i got to follow them the whole way through.
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Robins are actually around all year, though they are well known for being on the front of Christmas cards. Robins lay eggs and can have up to 3 broods a year. Its difficult to tell a male from a female but the male has a sightly brighter orange breast. Their main predators are Hawks and domestic cats.
When I took this picture it was a typically English Winter cold day. I was walking through an RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) conservation and it landed right at the side of me on a thick branch. They don't always stay long but equally don't seem to be scared of humans either. I was humbled by its presence and haven't had such a close up chance since.
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Kestrel of the cliffs
Kestrel of the cliffs
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Kestrels typically hunt for their prey by hovering at height, once they target their prey they swoop down to catch it.
Kestrels normally lay 4 or 5 eggs in May and but they are on decline, the actual cause is unknown but may be due to secondary poisoning from rats, mice etc.
A beautiful kestrel off the cliffs of Thornwick Bay. I laid on my stomach close to the edge of the cliff, a little dangerous but I had to get as close as I could. It's not a bird I saw often where I lived so I was excited. It's amazing how far they can see to the ground, because that was high.
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Herons are found near almost any body of water, they are patient hunters and will catch and eat amphibians, fish and even small birds. They have long necks and legs and have a large wing span.
I took this shot at a large lake in Pontefract West Yorkshire, this Heron stood there for my full shoot and did not move it didn't catch anything in that time but still impressive how still and patient it was. Often I see them but they are very wary and don't like you too close. I mainly see them hidden within brush or trees at a distance.
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Great Spotted Woodpeckers hammer the tree to make nest holes and use their long tongue to get insects out.
I was on a shoot on a RSPB site, it was so quiet, no people around, just me. I heard a knocking on wood and didn't want to allow myself to believe it was a woodpecker. The sound of wild life was beautiful nothing there spoilt it, the rapping noise I followed the sound and I found it!! I was so excited I have always wanted to see one, but to see one in action and hear it was amazing.
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Cootling/baby Coot
Cootling/baby Coot
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Adult Coots usually have have flaps of skin over their toes, a bit like a half Webb, unlike other ducks, they are also quicker on land. Coots patter over the top of water to take flight. Newborn chicks are very bright in colour orange, black and red, I personally think they are very cute, as they get older their colour fades as seen in this picture, eventually to black with a white beak and head shield.
I really enjoy taking photos of animals on water surfaces like this it looks so serial, cloudy and creamy.
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Duckling (brown)
Duckling (brown)
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Mallards lay between 11- 12 eggs, the female Mallard now has a brood. Baby ducks/ducklings leave the nest almost as soon as they are born, as a family they stick close by their mother, learning from her but she only has to guide them to food source not physically feed them herself. Her brood will fledge at 50-60 days old but before that the mother will keep them warm, protect them from predators and tech them to find food.
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Duckling (yellow)
Duckling (yellow)
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This little yellow duckling looked so serene against a milky blue water. New life is born here at the same time every year and you have to be quick to catch it as we know how quick birds grow.
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Group of Ducklings (cuddles)
Group of Ducklings (cuddles)
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Flying Mallard (female)
Flying Mallard (female)
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Conservation status- not assessed
A female Mallard is known as a hen. They are very common found around bodies of water such as ponds and lakes. She is brown, white with a bit of blue on her wings as she needs to be camouflaged against predators. She nests on the ground and lays around 12 eggs. She is quieter than the male and less aggressive.
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Flying Mallard (male)
Flying Mallard (male)
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Conservation status is not assessed
A Mallard is a duck, you will see them a lot around ponds, or bodies of water they are very common. The male is known as a drake, has a white band around his neck, a yellow beak and a shiny green head, the rest of his body is white, brown and purple. A drake is much louder and during nesting the drake will defend their territory. Mallards eat berries, plants, seeds etc.
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