A Lion is part of the Cat family and it's roar can be heard from 5 miles away, preying on Wildebeest, Zebras and other large animals of the grasslands. They are classed as vulnerable mainly due to habitat loss and human conflict. The male lion is bigger than the female and has a mane. Male Lions part from their group when they are old enough and form their own prides.
Male Lion (the prayer)
Male Lion (the prayer)
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Image taken at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Conservative & Rehabilitation centre.
Conservation status is vulnerable.
I enjoyed taking this photo, the Lion looked like he was praying, so quiet and in good thoughts.
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Male Lion (pride)
Male Lion (pride)
Digital download.
Image taken at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, conservative & Rehabilitation centre.
A Lions Conservation status is vulnerable.
A male Lion confident in his own skin looking out to his pride. I had taken many photos here and the Lions have always been asleep so when he was sat up I took advantage. I could't stop taking them he was so majestic.
A beautiful image you can receive in minutes, download and print yourself straight away, no anxious waiting for the post to come. This will look lovely in any room.
Lion-1 (fierce)
Lion-1 (fierce)
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This is a wise looking Lion, he is misterious, and a well knowledged boss. His face seems to tell a few stories and I had the privalage to stay for feeding time.
A beautiful image you can receive in minutes, download and print yourself straight away, no anxious waiting for the post to come. This will look lovely in any room.
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A beautiful image you can receive in minutes, download and print yourself straight away, no anxious waiting for the post to come. This will look lovely in any room.
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We were finding animals in Nairobi National Park, taking photos, and learning about the area. I have a desperate need to promote conservation, these animals are so precious, with population depleting it is vital that everyone takes a stand on human confliction, poaching and trophy hunting.
This lioness was moving past our group, with prey in the background and no attempt to attack, it was clear they had just fed. The females are the ones who go out hunting in groups, the males wait for the spoils. She was beautiful, my heart was racing with nerves and excitement, something I will never forget, I was so lucky.
A beautiful image you can receive in minutes, download and print yourself straight away, no anxious waiting for the post to come. This will look lovely in any room.
Polar Bear (shake it off)
Polar Bear (shake it off)
Digital Download
Image taken at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Conservative & Rehabilitation Centre
Conservation status- vulnerable species
Living in the Arctic they have insulated white fur with black skin, brilliant swimmers and have no natural enemies.
The thought of animals in captive always bothers me but I only go to Parks that are charity based. Its strange taking photos of animals that don't match their backgrounds however, these polar bears are being well looked after. After enduring suffering and torment at the hands of their captures these animals have now found their forever home.
A beautiful image you can receive in minutes, download and print yourself straight away, no anxious waiting for the post to come. This will look lovely in any room.