Ladybird (tiny giant)
Ladybird (tiny giant)
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Firstly, 'lady,' comes from, 'mother Mary.' They develop from larva to pupa to adult. Ladybirds reproduce in all sorts of habitats and have many known species. Females tend to be larger than males.
I sat and watched this Ladybird crawling through the leafs of flowers, I willed it to crawl up this leaf but never expected it to crawl right to the top, it felt such a simple looking image against the dark backdrop and looked so elegant and powerful. Neither leaf nor Ladybird wavered.
A beautiful image you can receive in minutes, download and print yourself straight away, no anxious waiting for the post to come. This will look lovely in any room.
Spider Web (catch)
Spider Web (catch)
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Simply a spider web is a formation to catch food. A spider is able to weave these structures from a place in their abdomen directed through what is called spinnerets. The silk, which is the material, is originally a liquid. They are an impressive creation, sticky and specifically to catch insects for food.
Although I love all walks of life big and small, spiders bother me, however I am not one to let a work of art go unnoticed no matter what made it. It had been raining which allowed the web to stand out a little more and by targeting my shot at a certain angle I was able to get a bokeh effect behind the web.
A beautiful image you can receive in minutes, download and print yourself straight away, no anxious waiting for the post to come. This will look lovely in any room.
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Wasps play an important role in the ecosystem as they accidentally pollinate flowers moving from one to another and are also good for keeping insect infestations down. They are usually black and yellow and pack a good sting if you bother them. They dissect other insects to take back to their nests.
taking photos of insects means getting quite close depending what lens you have, however be careful how close you actually get, wasps don't die after one sting like bees. The beauty of taking photos of insects is the intensity of the gorgeous colours of flowers and their surroundings. We just walk by these tiny creatures without thinking they are just as important in our ecosystem as other large animals that we look at in awe.
A beautiful image you can receive in minutes, download and print yourself straight away, no anxious waiting for the post to come. This will look lovely in any room.
Bumble Bee (simple)
Bumble Bee (simple)
Digital Download
Conservation status is unfortunately bees are in decline worldwide.
Just a simple image of a Bee? Yes the image is simple but what is happening within the image shows us how important they are, in pollinating our gardens whilst collecting the pollen for their diet they dust from one plant to another enabling further bloom increasing the survival for other animals in the food chain including us humans. Unlike wasps, bees have one sting and unfortunately die after this.
A beautiful image you can receive in minutes, download and print yourself straight away, no anxious waiting for the post to come. This will look lovely in any room.