Mum & Baby Pigeon feeding


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Pigeons were originally bred for food and carrying messages.  You can find them anywhere from urban to woodland, and coast areas.  Pigeons are able to breed all year round due to their constant availability of food in urban areas.  A Pigeon tends to lay two eggs within, up to, 48 hours.

I'll never forget an advert that stated the Father & Son had never seen a baby pigeon before.  I spent months looking in trees and street lights for any signs of newborns.  I started to notice different behaviour. becoming in tune with them when they were nesting and where the nesting worked best.  Eventually I found the perfect spot and watched every day, until one day I looked and I felt lots of hope, I saw something moving slightly.  I zoomed in with my camera and, yes, some more waiting but then a little head popped up over the nest only slightly.  I was so excited, all the patience and waiting had paid off, that's what wildlife photography is about, waiting patiently, investigating and in the end positive outcomes.  The feeding times took some doing due to the foilege around them but I can say I know what a baby pigeon looks like.  I followed them until they first ventured out of the nest and then left for good.  I felt quite sad but so happy i got to follow them the whole way through.

A beautiful image you can receive in minutes, download and print yourself straight away, no anxious waiting for the post to come.  This will look lovely in any room.