Little Sparrow


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Consenervation status is least concern

what is a Sparrow- sparrows are quite a chunky little bird with a broad head.  They range in colours of brown and grey but males are darker than females.  They eat seeds, insects and berries, make nests low to the ground.  They are a common bird you can see anywhere especially near houses and parks as they will scavenge for food.

I took the image of this sparrow on my way out of a long shoot, on a RSPB site in West Yorkshire.  This is normally an overgrown area but was cut back this time of year.  I thought this sparrow looked very proud and confident and for such a small animal it really impressed me, though their biggest worry really is us human beings who are taking away their surroundings, the things that keep them safe and help them to thrive.

A beautiful image you can recieve in minutes, download and print yourself straight away, no anxious waiting for the post to come.  This will look lovley in any room.